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本文摘要:At Carnegie Mellon University, robotics professor David Bourne and some of his students are working on software that enables a robot to cope with uncertainty over where a part will be on the assembly table, and to experiment with ways to put things together until they find the optimum methods. Using this learning method, a robot at CMU is able to pick up a battery from various angles and, sometimes, snap it into a Blackberry-a job most people can do intuitively. As the software improves, robots will learn faster, Prof. Bourne says. 卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)的机器人学教授戴维伯恩(David Bourne)于是以率领学生研发一款软件,以便让机器人有能力辨别应当把零部件放在什么方位,并需要探寻有所不同的组装方式以确认拟合途径。

At Carnegie Mellon University, robotics professor David Bourne and some of his students are working on software that enables a robot to cope with uncertainty over where a part will be on the assembly table, and to experiment with ways to put things together until they find the optimum methods. Using this learning method, a robot at CMU is able to pick up a battery from various angles and, sometimes, snap it into a Blackberry-a job most people can do intuitively. As the software improves, robots will learn faster, Prof. Bourne says. 卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)的机器人学教授戴维伯恩(David Bourne)于是以率领学生研发一款软件,以便让机器人有能力辨别应当把零部件放在什么方位,并需要探寻有所不同的组装方式以确认拟合途径。通过这种自学模式,卡内基梅隆大学研发的机器人可以从多个角度捡起一块电池,有时候甚至能把电池装有到黑莓手机上。这项工作如果由人来做到的话,应当是举手之劳,但机器人若能已完成实属容易。伯恩教授回应,随着软件的不断完善,机器人的自学能力还不会减缓。

Will robots be able to bring production of such things as the iPhone to America? Thats what were working towards, Prof. Bourne said. Its not going to happen instantly. 机器人的应用于需要促成iPhone这类电子产品的生产转往到美国本土吗?伯恩教授回应,这正是我们的目标,但短期之内还无法构建。In another part of his lab, Prof. Bournes students are working on sensors that allow a robot to show a human colleague where to place parts so the robot can assemble them. 在伯恩教授实验室的另一处,他的学生们还在研究传感器技术,以便让机器人能在人类的指点下学会将一个零部件组装到特定方位。Rodney Brooks, a former Massachusetts Institute of Technology robotics professor who helped launch the Roomba home-vacuuming robot a decade ago as a founder of iRobot Corp., believes industrial robots need to be updated to not only be smaller and nimbler, but also easier to control. 罗德尼布鲁克斯(Rodney Brooks)以前是麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)的机器人学教授,帮助发售了Roomba家用洗手机器人,他在10年前创办了iRobot。布鲁克斯指出,工业机器人必须更进一步的升级换代,不但要更加小巧灵活性,还要更加易于控制。

His Boston-based start-up, Heartland Robotics Inc., plans to introduce its first robots later this year. Dr. Brooks says they will be affordable for small manufacturers and include controls more akin to an iPhone than a mainframe computer. 布鲁克斯在波士顿新创的Heartland Robotics Inc.公司计划于今年发售第一款机器人。他说道这款机器人的价格将能为小型制造商所拒绝接受,其掌控界面不像大型计算机那样简单,而是相似iPhone式的简练方式。

Dr. Brooks refuses to say much about the machines but the goal is to introduce robots into places that have not been automated before, making manufacturers more efficient, their workers more productive and keeping jobs from migrating to low-cost regions. He plans to make the robots in the U.S. 布鲁克斯不愿透漏过于多关于这款机器人的信息,但其目标是让机器人转入未曾牵涉到过的领域,让生产过程更加有效率,提升工人生产能力,防止生产过程和低收入岗位流向低成本国家。布鲁克斯想在美国国内生产这款机器人。One of Dr. Brookss former students, Aaron Edsinger, has become a potential rival. When Mr. Edsinger was a doctoral student at MIT six years ago, he programmed a robot to help make a margarita. The point wasnt to replace bartenders but to show that a robot could deal with a somewhat unpredictable environment. Now Mr. Edsinger heads a San Francisco-based company, Redwood Robotics, trying to develop low-cost robot arms for manufacturing and other applications. 阿隆艾幸格(Aaron Edsinger)曾是布鲁克斯的学生,现在则出了布鲁克斯的潜在竞争对手。


如今,艾幸格是旧金山Redwood Robotics公司的负责人,公司正在研究低成本的机器人手臂,用作产品生产和其他一些应用领域。In work partly funded by Boeing Co. (BA), Julie Shah, an assistant professor in the aeronautics department at MIT, is researching ways for robots to adapt to the differing work habits of human colleagues so they can jointly assemble airplane parts. 朱丽叶莎(Julie Shah)是麻省理工学院的助教,她在专门从事一项由波音公司(Boeing Co.)资助的研究工作,找寻方法让机器人适应环境人类同事的各种工作习惯,以便与人类协同,联合组装飞机零部件。The idea of people working hand in metal fist with robots is becoming less like science fiction every year, Ms. Shah says. By James R. Hagerty and Miho Inada, The Wall Street Journal;莎回应,人类和机器人协同作业的理念正在靠近科幻小说的范畴,一年比一年显得更加现实。

