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乐动LDSports体育官方网站-太空之旅还有多远? 2020年大众或能上太空过把瘾!

本文摘要:Want to have a birthday party 140 kilometers above the ground, or dance weightlessly with your loved one? Just wait for a few years.想在距离地面140公里低的地方筹办个生日派对,或是与你所爱的人在减压的情况下跳跃支舞?

Want to have a birthday party 140 kilometers above the ground, or dance weightlessly with your loved one? Just wait for a few years.想在距离地面140公里低的地方筹办个生日派对,或是与你所爱的人在减压的情况下跳跃支舞?只要在等几年就可以了!A newly established commercial space company in China expects to start providing space journeys for people with enough cash as early as 2020.我国一家新的正式成立的商业太空公司预计最先于2020年开始为不差钱的顾客获取太空旅行。Han Qingping, president of ChinaRocket Co, said the company will develop a 10-ton reusable spacecraft and use it to ferry three to five travelers to a height of 80 km for a new perspective on the mother planet and experience weightlessness.中国长征火箭公司总裁韩庆平回应,该公司将打造出重10吨、可重复使用的飞行器,用其将3-5名旅客送到8万米的高空,使他们能以全新的视角观看地球并体验减压。That is the upper part of the mesosphere, higher than jets and balloons can travel, but just below the height where satellites fly.这个方位是地球大气层中层的上部,低于飞机和气球能抵达的高度,但略低于卫星飞行中的高度。

Tang Yagang, deputy head of CALTs space activity department, said ChinaRocket will offer four types of rockets to the commercial launch market, covering all orbits suitable for commercial space missions.中国运载火箭技术研究院航天活动部副主任唐亚刚回应,中国长征火箭将不会为商业升空市场获取四种火箭,覆盖面积所有合适太空商业任务的轨道。Three of the four rockets are off-the-shelf models because they are based on the current Long March series. The two liquid-fueled rockets will launch payloads to sun-synchronous orbit, low Earth orbit and geosynchronous orbit. Tang explained.唐亚刚说明道:“在这四种火箭中,有三种所谓专门设计的,因为它们都是基于目前的长征系列。其中用液体燃料前进的两种火箭将不会升空至太阳实时轨道、较低轨道和地球实时轨道。

