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乐动LDSports体育官方网站:Note 7的爆炸是否也炸毁了三星的招牌?

本文摘要:Samsung is resuming sales of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphones in South Korea following a safety recall. They are set to return to Europe on 28 October.在经历了一场安全性解任之后,三星电子新的开始在韩国销售其Galaxy Note 7智能手机,并且这些手机预计将于10月28日重回欧洲市场。

Samsung is resuming sales of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphones in South Korea following a safety recall. They are set to return to Europe on 28 October.在经历了一场安全性解任之后,三星电子新的开始在韩国销售其Galaxy Note 7智能手机,并且这些手机预计将于10月28日重回欧洲市场。The company asked customers to return their handsets after some users reported their phone had exploded during or after charging.此前因一些用户体现Note 7手机在电池时或者电池后发生爆炸,随后三星公司拒绝顾客撤回手机。

The firm said that battery problems were behind phones catching fire. Samsung had sold about 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7 devices across the world before the recall.该公司随后回应,手机起火是由于电池故障。在宣告解任之前,三星Note 7在全球早已卖出了250万部。In South Korea about 80% of those sold have been returned to be replaced. In Europe and North America the figure is lower but still way above 50%, according to company sources.在韩国本土就有大约80%的手机已获得撤回移位。据集团消息来源称之为,欧洲和北美的数字则较低,然而仍相比之下低于50%。

Samsung insiders say that 95% of the people returning their handset are opting to continue with a Samsung model. There is - they say - huge customer loyalty.三星内部人员称之为,95%撤回手机的顾客皆自由选择之后用于三星的其他型号。顾客的忠诚度--据他们称之为--非常的高。

But there has clearly been a big cost, one on which a monetary value is impossible to determine exactly.但这起事件的代价似乎是沈重的,货币价值无法精确测量。Firstly, Samsung has lost a month of its carefully planned sales pitch in the campaign against Apple and its new iPhone 7.首先,三星精心策划一个月、目的抗衡美国苹果及其iPhone 7的营销计划化为乌有。Secondly, the brand has been tarnished. Samsung has prided itself on making the most of its components. It doesnt outsource as much as its rivals do. That boast of superior quality sounds hollower after the recall.其次,品牌被蒙羞了。三星仍然以自家生产绝大多数零部件为荣,不像它的输掉般恣意外包。

那些对质量上乘的自我吹嘘在解任事件之后,听得一起显得更为空虚。Thirdly, even if most of the offending phones have been returned and replaced, substantial numbers are still out there.第三,即便绝大多数出有问题的手机早已退换,市场上的问题手机还有许多。

