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本文摘要:US billionaire Bill Gates has been elected to the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chinas highest honor in the field of engineering.日前,美国亿万富翁比尔·盖茨被入选中国工程院,这是中国在工程领域的最低荣誉。

US billionaire Bill Gates has been elected to the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chinas highest honor in the field of engineering.日前,美国亿万富翁比尔·盖茨被入选中国工程院,这是中国在工程领域的最低荣誉。The Microsoft co-founder, 62, is one of 18 new foreign members, the academy said. He is the only one who does not work at a university or research institute.中国工程院宣告,这位62岁的微软公司牵头创始人是18位新的外籍成员之一。他是唯一一个不出大学或研究所工作的人。Gates was nominated for his work at TerraPower, a nuclear reactor design company he helped establish in 2008.盖茨因他在特拉派沃公司的工作而被奖提名,这是一家他于2008年协助创建的核反应设计公司。

In late 2015, the company signed a deal with China National Nuclear Corp to build a reactor unit in Fujian province. The project is scheduled to start next year and be completed in 2025.2015年年末,该公司与中国核工业集团公司签定了一份协议,在福建省修筑一个反应堆。预计该工程明年开始,于2025年已完成。The US business magnate has met Chinese President Xi Jinping on various occasions, and discussed further nuclear energy cooperation with Premier Li Keqiang earlier last month.这位美国商业巨头此前曾在多个场合会谈过中国主席习近平,并且于上月初与李克强总理更进一步辩论了核能合作。New academicians are selected every two years from academic institutions, research institutes, enterprises and hospitals, both inside and outside China.新的院士每两年不会从国内外的学术机构、研究机构、企业和医院中产生。

The CAE – which falls under the State Council, Chinas top governing body – also has a role advising Beijing on the countrys economic and social development, and its new members need to have strict political clearance.中国工程院直属中国最低管理机构国务院,它还扮演着就国家的经济和社会发展向北京劝谏建言的角色,它的新成员必须有“严苛的政治证书”。The academy now has 66 foreign academicians.现在,中国工程院共计66位外籍院士。

