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玛莎百货将使用中性玩具包装 与男性女性并列:乐动LDSports体育官方网站

本文摘要:Marks Spencer has agreed to make the packaging of all of its toys gender neutral by spring 2014, after customers complained that it was marketing items according to stereotypes.据英国《卫报》报导,玛莎百货表示同意在2014年春季之前为所有的玩具披上性别中立的纸盒。

Marks Spencer has agreed to make the packaging of all of its toys gender neutral by spring 2014, after customers complained that it was marketing items according to stereotypes.据英国《卫报》报导,玛莎百货表示同意在2014年春季之前为所有的玩具披上性别中立的纸盒。此前顾客责怪玛莎百货根据性别偏见展开市场营销。

Customers contacted MS to complain at a range of toys called Boys Stuff, which included planes, cars, dinosaurs, racing cars, cat toys, a marble run and a pop-up fire station.顾客联系玛莎百货,滋扰该商场将一系列商品归类为“男孩玩具”,还包括玩具飞机、小汽车、恐龙、赛车、猫、单子和弹出式消防站。The description on the latter said: This pop up fire station is perfect for little fire men everywhere, while the description of a watch in the same range read: The perfect wrist accessory no boy should be without, and a joke book read: Boys know the best jokes and here are 500 crackers to keep you ahead of the girls.其中,弹出式消防站玩具的解释上写到:“这个弹出式消防站非常适合各地的小消防员”。


The Boys Stuff range will be rebranded to use a simple graphic logo, while the Little Miss Arty range will become Poppy and Blue, using character-based branding.“男孩玩具”区域早已新的上海证券交易所,替换成一个非常简单的图形标志,而“女孩艺术”区域被重命名为“波比和布鲁”并用于人物形象的标牌。MS told the Guardian it was already in the process of updating its policy but this became public when it responded to a specific criticism on Twitter by Labour MP Stella Creasy. It Tweeted back: Hi Stella, weve listened to customer feedback and by spring next year all of our toys will be gender neutral. Thanks.玛莎百货向《卫报》回应,正在展开政策修改流程,但是在问工党议员史黛拉?克里希公布在推特上的抨击时被公开发表。玛莎百货在推特上对此称之为:“史黛拉您好,我们早已征询顾客的对系统,不会在明年春季前将所有玩具替换成中性的纸盒。非常感谢”。

MS said in a statement: We offer a wide range of fun and educational toys, which are designed to appeal to children regardless of gender. We have listened carefully to feedback from our customers and by spring next year all of our toys will be gender neutral.玛莎百货发表声明:“我们获取大量有意思而富裕教育意义的玩具,为所有儿童的市场需求而设计而不针对性别。我们早已严肃征询顾客们的对系统,将在明年春季前将所有玩具替换成中性的纸盒”。

Meanwhile, the number of shops organising their toy departments into separate sections for boys and girls has fallen by 60% in the past year, following pressure on retailers from shoppers and campaigners, it has been claimed.同时,玛莎百货回应,在顾客和社会活动者对零售商的压力下,将男孩与女孩的玩具分在有所不同区域的商店数量在去年上升了60%。Campaign group Let Toys be Toys said reports from the high street suggested that a fifth of stores were still organising their toy sections by gender rather than genre, compared to half in the runup to Christmas 2012.“让玩具沦为玩具”活动小组说道,来自主要街道的调查报告表明,五分之一的店铺依然以性别而不是风格为标准对玩具分类,而这一数据在2012年圣诞到来之际曾高达50%。The group, which started in November 2012, has been calling on retailers to end gender-stereotyping in toy departments which has seen some display play kitchens and colouring sets under girls signs and science sets and doctors costumers under boys signs.“让玩具沦为玩具”正式成立于2012年十一月,目的敦促零售商暂停玩具部门的性别偏见,诸如在“女孩”的标明领口上玩具厨房和涂色集,而科学装置和医生服装则被归在“男孩”的标明下。

