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本文摘要:Nineteen buildings disappeared in the space of 10 seconds after being demolished by a controlled explosion in China yesterday.昨天,中国一次掌控炸开让19栋楼在10秒钟之内被夷平。

Nineteen buildings disappeared in the space of 10 seconds after being demolished by a controlled explosion in China yesterday.昨天,中国一次掌控炸开让19栋楼在10秒钟之内被夷平。The blocks of flats which were up to 12 storeys high in the city of Wuhan are making way for a huge new business district including a 707-metre tall skyscraper.坐落于武汉的这些楼房有12层楼高,这些建筑(被夷平是)为一个新的商业区停下来,这个商业区还包括一栋低707米的摩天大楼。Experts waited until dark had fallen before detonating demolition charges which brought down 150000 square metres of concrete glass and steel in 10 seconds.专家等到夜幕降临才实行炸开,10秒钟内就夷平了十五万平方米的混凝土、玻璃、钢筋。The residents of the Hankou Binjiang estate had been moved out weeks before.汉口滨江的居民数周前就已将财产移往。

The area is close to the city centre and the demolition contractors had to make sure that when they brought down the buildings they did not damage a light rail viaduct nearby or a shopping mall and electricity sub-station.这个区域附近市中心,炸开方必需保证炸开时会影响到附近的一条轻轨线路、一个购物中心和变电站。Jia Yongsheng general director of the demolition company told Chinas state TV channel CCTV: For this kind of large-scale blasting demolition conducted in the downtown area we not only need to guarantee the demolition result but also strictly control the adverse effects of blasting.炸开公司总指挥贾永胜告诉他中国国营电视台CCTV说道:像这样在市中心的大规模炸开任务,不但要确保炸开结果(准确),还要掌控炸开产生的不良影响。

