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本文摘要:Samsung Electronics has replaced the head of its mobile business for the first time in six years, as it seeks to reverse a recent trend of falling smartphone sales.三星电子(Samsung Electronics)六年来头一次替换其移动业务部门主管,企图反败为胜近期智能手机销量的暴跌势头。

Samsung Electronics has replaced the head of its mobile business for the first time in six years, as it seeks to reverse a recent trend of falling smartphone sales.三星电子(Samsung Electronics)六年来头一次替换其移动业务部门主管,企图反败为胜近期智能手机销量的暴跌势头。Shin Jong-Kyun, who fostered the successful Galaxy smartphone series as Samsung’s head of mobile communications from 2009, will hand the mantle to Koh Dong-jin, head of mobile research and development, the company said on Tuesday.作为2009年以来的三星移动通信部门主管,申宗均(Shin Jong-kyun)曾在其任内发售了十分顺利的Galaxy系列智能手机。周二,三星回应申宗均将把这一重任转交移动研发部门主管Koh Dong-jin。

Mr Shin, 59, will retain his formal position as one of three co-chief executives, to focus on long-term strategy — but he will “step back from day-to-day operations”, Samsung said.三星回应,59岁的申宗均将保有其作为三名联席首席执行官之一的月职位,以便把主要精力放到长年战略上,不过他将“解散日常运营”。The move follows extensive speculation — beginning in the lead-up to last year’s reshuffle — that Mr Shin would be sidelined in response to setbacks in the mobile division.在三星这一措施前,去年三星的配对之前就开始有大量猜测指出,为对此移动部门所遇的惨败,申宗均或将解散该部门。

Samsung remains the world’s leading smartphone producer by sales but its handset profits have fallen since the first half of last year, as it lost share to lower-cost Chinese peers at the low end of the market, and a resurgent Apple at the high end.三星仍然是全球销量顶尖的智能手机制造商,不过自去年上半年以来,随着其市场份额在低端败给成本较低的中国输掉,高端败给再度兴起的苹果(Apple),其手机盈利早已下滑下来。“In the context of Samsung’s culture, somebody has to be held responsible,” said Daniel Kim, an analyst at Macquarie. “I expected him to resign last year, actually, but he stayed another year and the handset division is still not showing any meaningful sign of improvement.”麦格理(Macquarie)分析师丹尼尔金(Daniel Kim)回应:“按照三星的企业文化,必需由某个人承担责任。事实上,我本来预计他去年不会请辞,然而他却又睡了一年,手机部门仍并未表明出有任何提高的显著迹象。

”Mr Shin’s retention as co-chief executive seemed a “mark of respect for his contribution in the past”, Mr Kim said, calling his move “one step towards retirement”.丹尼尔金回应,申宗均复职首席执行官或许是“回应对其过去贡献的认同”,相提并论他的这一变动“离退休更加将近了一步”。The Galaxy series achieved huge market success from 2011 onwards, spearheading Samsung’s rise to become the world’s leading smartphone maker. But as competition intensified last year, the bloated portfolio of products that cost more than those of Asian rivals failed to attract consumers.2011年以来,Galaxy系列智能手机获得了极大的市场顺利,引导三星兴起为全球头号智能手机制造商。

然而随着去年竞争激化,散漫的产品组合造成成本低于其亚洲输掉,无法更有客户。This year’s Galaxy S6 flagship won enthusiastic reviews but sales undershot targets.今年发售的Galaxy S6旗舰手机夺得了热情洋溢的评价,销量却没能达到目标。

