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本文摘要:Mark Zuckerberg has dominated the desktop internet. Hes dominated the mobile internet. Now hes going to dominate Facebook itself, and the company is probably going to let him.马克·扎克伯格支配了桌面互联网时代。

Mark Zuckerberg has dominated the desktop internet. Hes dominated the mobile internet. Now hes going to dominate Facebook itself, and the company is probably going to let him.马克·扎克伯格支配了桌面互联网时代。他还支配了移动互联网。

现在,他要支配脸书,而这家该公司很可能会表示同意。The big news that came out of Facebooks quarterly earnings report is that the company is making more money, from more users, being shown more adverts – and more profitable adverts at that.脸书季度盈利报告引起了众多新闻,该新闻报道称之为,脸书赚到了更加多的钱,享有了更加多的用户,正在陈列更好的广告--更加有利可图的广告。The numbers are, well, big. Its userbase grew from 1.44 billion to 1.65 billion. Once upon a time, the number of people on Facebook grew fivefold over the course of a single year; it cant do that anymore, because there arent enough people on the Earth.这些数字相当大。

它的用户群从14.4亿快速增长到16.5亿。曾几何时,脸书用户的数量在一年中快速增长了多达5倍;当然它现在早已做到将近了,因为地球上也显然没有那么多的人。More users is nice but thats not why Facebook is on top of the world today. Instead, its about where those users are: on their phones. They also stayed on the site more. The average user now spends 50 minutes a day on Facebook, Messenger and Instagram.用户多是好事,但这不是脸书正处于世界之巅的原因。


Goodbye links to news sites, hello Instant Articles – the same thing, but served from Facebooks servers, in Facebooks app and often with Facebooks adverts.妳,新闻网站链接,你好,即时文章--只不过是某种程度一件事,只不过后者是脸书的服务器获取的,在脸书的应用程序打脸书的广告。The same switch happened in video, where Facebook aggressively pushed its own video product ahead of links to competitors such as YouTube and Vimeo.视频服务方面也经常出现了类似于的情况,在竞争对手如YouTube和Vimeo公布链接之前,脸书大力推展其自身的视讯产品。

Those efforts combined to make the companys mobile ad revenue jump by 57% in the first quarter, from $3.3bn to $5.2bn, with each user worth $3.32 over the quarter, up from $2.50 last year.这些希望结合,使得该公司的移动广告收益在今年第一季度跃居了57%,从33亿美元跃至52亿美元。每个用户本季度的价值为3.32美元,比去年的2.5美元有所下跌。Founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg wields a huge amount of influence in the company, and while the companys results are this good, investors are happy to let the state of affairs continue. So Zuckerberg is pushing it just a bit further.创始人兼任首席执行官马克·扎克伯格对公司具有极大的影响力,同时公司的业绩又这样好,投资者乐意让此事继续下去。因此,扎克伯格想再行更进一步。

He already holds a disproportionate amount of class B shares, which carry 10 votes in internal debates compared to the one vote guaranteed by a class A share.他早已享有了公司B类股,该股持有人内部辩论的10个投票权,而A类股则享有一票确保投票权。Now, the company has proposed a three-to-one stock split in its quarterly results, which would give each Facebook shareholder two additional, non-voting shares for each single share they already hold. Those non-voting shares can be sold without relinquishing any actual control, which is perfect for Zuckerberg, who has committed to giving away 99% of his Facebook shares to charity over the course of his lifetime.现在,该公司明确提出了对该季度业绩三对一的股票拆分,这将使每个脸书的股东在其早已持有人的分开份额上取得两个额外的无投票权股份。


